Agile Alliance

5,431,290.96 Total Liabilities & Equity, Q2 2016. excel

Agile Alliance is not-for-profit 501(c)(6) trade association devoted to the improvement of business conditions in the software industry in accordance with the Agile Manifesto. site

The Agile Alliance is a nonprofit organization that wants to see Agile projects start and help Agile teams perform. It is funded by individual memberships, corporate memberships, and by the proceeds from the Agile 20XX series of conferences. We are not a certification body and do not endorse any certification programs. page

Agile Community events start with you! If you are an Agile Alliance member, you can submit both commercial and non-commercial events for posting. Need funding for your event? Agile Alliance members can request conference sponsorship from the Agile Alliance. page


Five million looks like a lot of money. For comparison, the ACM 2015 annual report quoted their total liabilities and net assets at $138,636,000. pdf